Ayelet Melman - Wireless Medical Ltd
Ayelet and three of her peers are proof that embedding enterprise modules into traditional degree courses can reap rewards for the student and, in this case, has potential benefits for the NHS.
"While we were on a two-week elective module we were asked to think of ways to improve the NHS and we came up with the idea for a wireless heart monitor. We won the 2012 Business Plan Competition, and are now working to commercialise the monitor through our recently established company, Wireless Medical Ltd.
We've had a lot of encouragement and opportuntities to learn about business. It made us realise that our ideas can be put into action and we're now working on a prototype of our device so we can apply for a patent and look for a licensee.
The positive experience of our first foray into the world of business has encouraged us to think about our next product. We came up with the origional idea based on our medical knowledge, but without the enterprise module and the subsequesnt help through the University's business start-up service I don't think we'd have realised we were able to challenge the status quo ourselves."