Climathon 2.0: The Air Pollution Challenge
Would you like to be part of an exciting global challenge to find solutions to urban climate change issues? Want to help bring about real change at a local level and develop innovation skills? Sign up for Leeds Climathon!
Our second Leeds Climathon will be held at ODI Leeds on 26th and 27th October. Participants will be asked to address this question: ‘How can Leeds pioneer clean air solutions to tackle air pollution and become a Clean Air/Low Emission City that improves Leeds for residents, business and visitors?’ You can find out more and sign up via the Climathon Leeds city webpage:
Leeds is a regional hotspot for air pollution and one of five cities designated by the UK government to have a Clean Air Zone by 2020, so our challenge is an important and timely one. Winners will be invited to present to Leeds City Council’s State of the City event in December.
The Leeds Climathon is co-hosted by the Leeds Climate Commission and the Priestley International Centre for Climate, with support from the Institute for Transport Studies, Sustainability Research Institute, Cities theme and the Centre for Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Studies. The event is free and all meals (including breakfast) are provided. The Climathon will also allow you to take part in practical air pollution data collection and includes mini workshops from a range of experts as well as training in innovation skills and entrepreneurship. You will be required to attend on both days (8.00am-8.00pm) but there is no overnight working. You will work in teams, pursuing the areas/solutions that interest you the most.
You may join as an individual participant or as a pre-existing team (each member must still sign up individually as a participant). Visit the Climathon website to find out more. Registration has been extended to 24 October, but places are limited, so early sign up is advised. Sign up at the Leeds City webpage. Read about our 2016 Climathon on energy efficiency here.
Please address enquiries to Catherine Graves,