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Students compete to generate a profit in just two hours!



On Monday 16th March, students from across the University ran stalls in the Business School foyer competing against each other to sell a range of goods and services as part of an Enterprise Challenge on their module.
This Market Challenge was undertaken by students from the Enterprise and Entrepreneurship module (LUBS1120) whose aim was to generate a profit through sales of their chosen goods or service and build one what they had learnt in the module teamwork, planning and entrepreneurship.

Led by Dr Richard Tunstall who said "The quality of ideas, creative design and marketing initiatives developed by the students in a short period of time was impressive. Despite at times facing some tough market conditions, students really rose to the challenge and did some great work", stalls mainly focused on food (a clever tactic for enticing hungry students going between lectures!) and products ranged from pizza, juice, cake, and cookies to hand-made note books, cards and clubnight tickets.DSC00246

In addition to the products for sale, students put together clever pricing offers and attractive promotional materials and strategies, using social media and ‘on the ground’ tactics providing taking trays of samples goods around the Business School to encourage visitors.

The winning team were those who focussed on pizza for students heading home at the end of the day, and made a profit of £25.61 in two hours. All the surplus raised in the Market Challenge will be going to a charity of the winning team’s choice. The teams will write up what they learnt from the experience of the challenges for their group assignment.
Find out more about the Enterprise and Entrepreneurship module at