Tejaswi (TJ) Bhardwaj - MSc Enterprise (2014-15)
Studying at the University of Leeds, for international postgraduate student Tejaswi Bhardwaj has been everything he expected and more.
After completing his Business Administration undergraduate degree in New Delhi, India, TJ was certain he wanted to come to the UK to study for a masters degree. Following some recommendations from friends who had previously studied here, he decided upon Leeds as his destination for postgraduate study.
TJ wanted to gain more insight and knowledge into running his own business, so he chose to study MSc Enterprise; a course which develops students’ enterprise skills, providing them with insight into how to create economic and social value through entrepreneurial activity. TJ said: “Before I came to Leeds I wasn’t absolutely certain about what I wanted to do in the future, but now I have about four business ideas that I can’t wait to develop.”
TJ explained how help from the tutors has been invaluable, and the community of Enterprise Ambassadors are a great asset to the Leeds Enterprise Centre: “It allows us to look at everything from another perspective, the teaching is practical and really lets us push the boundaries.”
During his time studying with the Leeds Enterprise Centre, Tejaswi mentioned how his favourite modules: The Emerging Markets; and Enterprise Awareness and New Venture Creation, have enabled him to look at different ways of starting a business. “Both fitted perfectly with what I wanted to do after university because I want to expand my family business into international markets”, said TJ.
Once he graduates, TJ plans on to return to India, where he will work for a couple of years to gain more experience within the workplace before progressing his new business ideas within his family’s food colouring business.
“I can’t believe the course has come to an end, I’ve loved every minute, learnt so much and the staff have been so supportive. I can’t wait to put it all into practice.”