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'Networking and Nibbles' event hosted by Pete Mills (CEES Ambassador) of Calls9 and his co-founder and Adam Roney.


UOL211_Enterprise_rebrand_brand assets-01After a busy ten days of Induction activities, we gave our new cohort of MSc Enterprise students a 'week off' from networking to attend a few lectures and classes.

Suitably re-charged we all plunged back into the fray with our 'Networking and Nibbles' event held on Tuesday 6th October at Calls9’s office on the Headrow in Leeds city centre – where we were joined by CEES staff, Enterprise Ambassadors, and the undergraduate 'with Enterprise' students (Biology with Enterprise, Biotechnology with Enterprise, Music with Enterprise, and Social Policy with Enterprise).

Pete and Adam from Calls9 hosted the event which was held in the spectacular atrium area with glass walls stretching up to the sky (or nearly). It certainly gave an impression of space and light that set the tone for the evening.

After some words of welcome from Professor Nigel Lockett, each of the CEES staff and Ambassadors introduced themselves to the students. Dr Steve King set the fun and games off with “People Bingo” – everyone present was given a sheet with various statements on it like “Has a tattoo”, “Can windsurf”, “Can ballet dance (or belly dance)” and the aim was to circulate around the room finding people who matched each of the statements. Once you had a “full card” you shouted “Bingo”! Liz Goddard (Part-time MSc) was the winner – showing a useful competitive streak! Then we all tucked in to lovely nibbles (wraps, sandwiches, bhajis, samosas, fruit etc.) and, most importantly for many, wine! (Soft drinks were available too of course).
Having “broken the ice” with the “Bingo” people mixed merrily. It was a lovely opportunity to get to know the new students better and for them to talk to staff and to our Enterprise Ambassadors in an informal setting.
Apparently outside a monsoon raged over Leeds, but inside all was warm and rosy! Or was that just the wine?! We now look forward to the next event...