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CEES Student Intern - Q&A


Hi, I’m Meg and I’m a second year Management with Marketing student. I began working at the Centre of Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Studies (CEES) in September 2015, so I’ve worked here for the duration of my second year at Leeds. Before applying for this role I’d had some previous experience in customer-based roles, sales and some volunteering. I feel the nature of my course prepared me well for my role as an intern as I have done lots of presentations and group work which has enhanced my confidence and communication as well as helping me work effectively as part of a team.

What attracted you to the role of student intern for CEES?
As a marketing student I am very interested in any kind of promotional activity, so when I saw the job advert for the intern I knew it would be right up my street. I had previously taken numerous Enterprise modules so I knew a bit about CEES and how they ran. Although I am a LUBS student I felt the CEES modules offered so many great opportunities that students from all schools could benefit from and I wanted to be part of the team promoting these modules. I also felt that the intern role would look great on my CV and would really help build my skill set. Employers are always looking for real life examples of when you have utilised different skills and my role as an intern has given me lots of opportunities to talk about times when I have used/demonstrated certain skills.

Had you heard about CEES before?
I had yes. As a LUBS student I had taken a compulsory CEES module, but I also chose some CEES modules as discovery modules. I liked how the modules were all coursework based as this took a lot of pressure off during exam season. I felt that the workshop-style classes were much more engaging and I found it useful learning such a variety of transferable skills from presentation skills to learning how to negotiate effectively.

What kind of things do you do in the role?
My role is quite varied, which I really like. Each time I come into the office I’m working on something different. Most weeks will include updating CEES social media, mainly the Facebook page as this is the page with the most activity. From there I could be doing anything depending on the week, such activities involving market research, such as hearing students thoughts and views on CEES and how we can reach out to new students, transcribing focus groups, helping set up for presentations, doing some research into what other universities are doing and, finally, helping out at open days and other events to inform more people about CEES and what we do.

What is your favourite part of the job?
My favourite part would probably be the variation in my role. As I said previously each week is different and that’s what makes the role so dynamic. As I am quite a social person I really enjoy the communication side of the role, so I really enjoy open days and events where I can talk to people and share with them information about what we do here at CEES. I feel this part of the role is really rewarding as especially at open days it is evident the advice I give can really help potential students who are confused about CEES and are seeking some more information. I have also formed some links with the Enterprise Society and I have enjoyed giving presentations at their events to inform people about things we offer such as the Year in Enterprise option and the CEES modules.

Does it fit well around your studies?
Yes, the role fits in really well with my studies which is another huge plus of the job. My hours fit in well around my university timetable and are very flexible.

What have you gained (if anything!) from working in the role and/or as part of the team at CEES?
I feel that I have gained a lot of real life experience which will be really useful to me in the future. On my course programme I learn a lot about promotional/ marketing techniques such as how to utilise social media, how to deliver persuasive speeches and presentations etc. I feel this role has given me a great opportunity to put what I have learnt into practice. As the job also involves some admin work such as dealing with spreadsheets and lots of email sending I feel this has really helped me brush up on my ICT skills and has helped my professionalism.

Why would you recommend this role to other students?
I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this role to students who are looking for a flexible part time job which gives them the opportunity to enhance their key skills as well as giving them something extra to add to their CV. Although the nature of my degree course prepared me well for this role I feel that it is a role which is applicable to everyone regardless of their degree background. Due to the variation in the job roles there will always be a variety of tasks to get stuck into and I’m sure it is a role which would suit nearly everyone.


Meg is leaving her role as student intern to do a Year in Industry where she will be working at Sky.

“I feel my role as an intern for CEES has prepared me greatly for my year’s placement at Sky. As my role at Sky is Marketing based I feel that the hands-on marketing experience I’ve had here at CEES will be the most beneficial to me. I’ve had hands on experience in how to collect and collate data, how to effectively use social media to promote events and how to deliver effective pitches promoting CEES. I’m sure all these skills will come in very useful for me at Sky.”