Dr Richard Tunstall took part in the 30th RENT Conference
Dr Richard Tunstall attended the 30th RENT Conference (Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business) which took place in Antwerp, Belgium. RENT is organised by the European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ECSB) for which Richard is Country Vice-President in the UK.
Keynote speakers included a representative from the innovation department of the global firm 3M, which has its European headquarters in Belgium.
Richard is Chair of the Entrepreneurship Studies Network, a special interest group, and as part of this organised the Critical Perspective in Entrepreneurship Track and chaired sessions during the conference. Papers presented included work focussing on practices in startups, the non-monetary benefits for Uber drivers and innovative models of entrepreneurship education.
Richard presented a paper on how corporate venture capitalists and intrapreneurs legitimate their projects when undertaking entrepreneurship as employees in large firms.
While at the conference new projects were discussed to develop collaborations in entrepreneurship education research between Leeds and other universities. Richard also promoted the Entrepreneurship-as-Practice workshop which he is co-organising with colleagues at University College Dublin and VU University Amsterdam.