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Members of the Leeds Enterprise Centre travel to Málaga as part of their first ESSE research meeting


IMG_6075Prof. Nigel Lockett and Dr. Carla Quesada-Pallarès visited Málaga (Spain) on 14th and 15th April. During this visit they met with Dr. Karen Williams-Middleton (Chalmers University of Technology) and Dr. Antonio Padilla-Meléndez (Universidad de Málada) as part of the European Study into Student Entrepreneurship (ESSE) research.

It was the first time that these researchers met regarding the ESSE project, mainly funded by Leeds Enterprise Centre. During one day and a half, they discuss the research bases; they were also invited to the “Entrepreneurship Education and Research: a European approach” workshop organised by the Universidad de Málaga within their Employment Fair week. Moreover, Dr. Padilla-Meléndez, the host member, introduced the city to the research members, organising cultural activities such as a typical Spanish dinner after a walking tour through Malaga’s downtown.



The ESSE research pursues to study the impact of social capital in entrepreneurial learning of graduate entrepreneurs from European higher education institutions located in Spain, Sweden and UK. Next meeting is planned to be in June in Gothenburg (Sweden) to continue developing the research.