Well Done Nick! 2 New Books Out in July
We are very proud of our own Dr Nick Williams, who has just had two new books published in July.
The first, ‘Entrepreneurship and Institutions: The causes and consequences of institutional asymmetry’, to be published by Rowman & Littlefield and co-authored with Professor Colin Williams and Professor Tim Vorley at the University of Sheffield, focuses on analysis of the interplay between formal (i.e. rules and regulations) and informal institutions (i.e. culture, norms and values) within economies and the impact that this has on entrepreneurship. The book draws on 12 case studies of countries around the world and demonstrates the evolving nature of institutional arrangements, showing that where there is asymmetry between the formal and the informal, then entrepreneurship will be held back.
The second is an edited volume to be published by Edward Elgar and is entitled 'Creating Resilient Economies: Entrepreneurship, Growth and Development in Uncertain Times’. The topic of economic resilient is an emergent field in the social sciences, and in this book key scholars from around the world examine how individuals, organisations, regions and nations are impacted by internal and external crises, and consider how they respond will determine future growth. The book provides a number of theoretical contributions to the study of economic resilience, as well as various public policy implications.